Wednesday, February 6, 2019

My Frankenberry Letter of Request

Let me start out by saying that I'm pretty excited about our letters of inquiry. Specifically, I'm excited about the prospects of getting free stuff from random places. I have no idea if any of our letters will be successful or not, but I'm going to think positive and assume that some of our groups will at least get some responses, even if they're "screw you, kid!" One of the reasons I chose this as an early assignment was so we'd have enough time to get some packages in the mail. Here's hoping! Also, I wonder if anyone will try to get a free pizza party for the class. I am not specifically saying that someone should try and get pizza that I can then eat. Why would I put that out there? Certainly not so someone would try and do it, that's for sure. Sheesh.

I decided to write my own letter of inquiry as an example. You can look at it as a template, or at least my own attempt at something like this. Also, I like Frankenberry (everyone likes Frankenberry), and I want to get Frankenberry delivered to me for free.

The examples in our textbook are always very professional and often pretty generic. This is probably a good thing for our class, as we're just starting out and simple is usually better in these situations. I would like to think that there is SOME room for creativity in these assignments, and that's one of the things that I want to impress with my example. My letter is probably a little too tongue-in-cheek, but I guess it is what it is. You can compare it to the example from the book and come up with your own twist on it. Remember, your goal is to get a company to send you something - there's more than one way to accomplish this, so don't feel like every letter has to look exactly the same.

Lastly, let's talk about Frankenberry. It probably turns your insides pink and the marshmallow-to-cereal piece ratio is dangerously high, but I can't get enough of it. In the '80s and '90s, I could find this cereal at pretty much any grocery store, but there was a good 10-year stretch when I couldn't find it anywhere. I figured that it was gone for good. In recent years, though, General Mills has released it (along with Boo Berry and Count Chocula, whatever) during the Halloween season. This is, of course, better than nothing, but I always feel a little silly at the beginning of September going through the checkout line with 20 boxes of Frankenberry in my cart. Do I get looks from everyone else in line, as well as from the cashier? Yes I do. But I'm telling you - it's worth it.

Here's a picture of me from about 10 years ago. I feel like this picture answers several questions about me, like "what did Jeff look like with hair?" (Answer: beautiful.) But it also raises several other, maybe more intriguing questions, which you can either ask in class, or you can keep to yourself forever, where it will gnaw at you as you try to sleep for the rest of your life. It's your choice, I guess!

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